Day 54: Making it Up

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. My mom and I did a day trip up to New Jersey to visit with her aunt. It was quite a long day and I was more interested in reading before bed than writing.

Today was highly productive and I’m quite proud of myself. I did spend an awful lot of time watching YouTube videos, though. I mentioned in an earlier post that I sometimes watch videos by British, YouTuber Zoella. She is most well known as a “beauty guru.” She shows videos about the makeup she buys for certain seasons and events. She does how-tos on applying said makeup and on hairstyles that would look nice with it. She gives tips on skin care and hair care and is generally very knowledgable on all things beauty, hence “beauty guru.” Today, I found myself binge watching many of her videos and considering my own makeup, skin and hair choices.

It got me thinking a lot about beauty in general. Zoella seems to have an endless supply of products and I pretty much stick with the basics. However, I look at Zoe, or rather I look at the well constructed Zoe she shows her viewers (that is not meant to slight Zoella. She does show her face makeup free, but she is most often fully made up), and then I look at myself, acne ridden teen that I am, and I wonder if I need to be drowning myself in different products to make myself more beautiful. I don’t have moisturizers and exfoliants and special hair goop. I don’t spend more than 5 minutes in the bathroom in the morning (granted I don’t have anyone I need to be impressing. God knows my kids wouldn’t notice if I showed up in a clown suit), but should I be concentrating harder on how I look? Can inner beauty only take you so far? I believe that personality wise, I’m pretty great! Physically, I’m no knockout though. I’ve got chicken legs and a big nose and one eye is bigger than the other which I will never understand. But I’m not breaking mirrors as I walk by either. So can average looks and good personality be enough to make me beautiful? Do I need to fool everyone into thinking I’m more beautiful with heavy makeup and trendy clothes? Does it even matter? There will never be a look that is universally appealing. I may look beautiful to some people but never to all. And even if I did, am I even supposed to be putting that much stock into what other people think? If I find myself beautiful, shouldn’t that be enough?

What is beauty at its core? Please leave a response and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear some other opinions on this.



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