Day 52: Story of My Life

At any given moment, I have a little monologue running through my head of me describing myself as if I were in a book. When you first encounter a character, the author will typically spend a paragraph or so describing them and I always wonder how I would be portrayed.

This afternoon at the pool, I spent a fair amount of time musing and here’s what I came up with:

The girl glanced up at the clock, rose from her chair, and placed her book down. She padded over to the edge of the pool and began wading in before she finally pushed off and slid under the water as easily as if she were taking her next step. Emerging from the water, she shook out her long, light brown hair and made her way back to her belongings. Her walk was slow and cool yet slightly hunched from years of bad posture and the undetectable weight of her worries just beneath the surface. She wore an easy smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. They were clouded by that same worried strain. She looked about, scanning the pool for the children she was minding and settled into her seat. She made another pass at the clock and resumed her reading as if all of it had been part of highly structured routine.

I know that’s super weird to be thinking of at any given moment and probably even weirder to have shared right now but I hope you liked it anyway. Let me know if you’ve done any character sketching or narrate your life as a third person in your head. I’d love to know I’m not alone.



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